Sunday, August 20, 2017

True Life: I'm a Wanderer

I am currently living in the state that I call, "No longer a senior, not yet a graduate." My time at UNCW was extended a little bit due to my ever-changing minors and indecisiveness. I completed my last three classes over this summer session, and now I am done with my undergrad and waiting for December 9th to roll around so I can walk across the stage and feel like a graduate. This stage of life is very strange simply because I have one foot still in the school realm and the other foot eager to run towards post-grad life. That eagerness comes with a side of hesitancy though because I don't have a clue what post-grad life looks like for me career-wise. I have deemed myself a wanderer, because I spend the majority of my time walking in whatever direction seems appealing at the moment. I am one of those college graduates who spent four years earning a degree that I have zero idea about how I'm going to use it. When you've been told all your life that you can do anything and everything you set your mind to, dreams of anything and everything constantly fill my head. Every dream I have seems obtainable, and I want to do it all. But that's the problem with being human - we can only do so much.

Sometimes I think I have "epiphanies" and am certain of what my career path will be. However, more times than not, I feel so lost in a sea of uncertainty that my head is barely above the water. One of my favorite sayings has always been "Not all who wander are lost." Lately, I don't know how much I believe that statement because I am wandering, and I am lost. So many people prepared me for life after high school. I knew what to expect with college and classes and friendships, and even in knowing what was going to happen, I still struggled. No one prepares you for life after college when you didn't major in a specific field. No one prepares you for life after college when your dreams sound stupid and probably won't live up to the expectations that everyone has for your life. No one prepares you for the sea of uncertainty that comes with post-grad life...

But I guess in a weird way, that IS preparation for life. Life is uncertain. Life is constantly changing, and you can never be sure of anything except change. I did not plan to be the college graduate who took a year off after graduation to decide what my next step in life would be, but here I am. No, I'm not traveling the world and finding myself in hopes of discovering a new journey. I'm in the same place with the same job and the same people, and my prayer is that God meets me here. I pray that He meets me right where I'm at and He begins directing my steps. Clearly my plans make God laugh because every time I plan anything, He changes it around. My dream college, my dream wedding date, my dream career path... God changed it all - and every single bit of it turned out for the better. He didn't fail me in all those times, and I know He won't fail me now. We are all truly but a mist in this world, here today and gone tomorrow. So my goal for this stage of life is to proclaim this every day: "If it is the LORD'S will, I will live and do this or that" (James 4:15). His plans are great and perfect and everything I need! So for those of you readers who kindly wonder about what I'm doing with my life, meet me in the place I'm in and pray God's will over my life. Pray for me as a soon-to-be college graduate, as a soon-to-be wife, as a hopeful career woman, as a daughter, sister, friend, disciple. Pray that God prepares me for every stage I'm stepping into because I need His guidance to steady my ever-wandering heart. Pray for me to be placed exactly where God wants me to be to reach as many people for His kingdom and glory before He returns or calls me home. Pray for boldness and courage on my behalf - to say yes when God calls me wherever He calls me. I am grateful for the people who read my words and intercede in prayer on my behalf.  It is the most encouraging thing to know I am prayed for and loved.

Recently, I have been so drawn to the hymn "Come Thou Fount" because the lyrics speak straight to my heart. Please click on the picture below and give it a listen if you're not familiar with it. Good stuff!!!

"Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, O take a seal it, seal it for Thy courts above."

Next time, I'll be filling y'all in on Al's life happenings which are so exciting! We can't wait to see where these new opportunities take him!
