Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Let the Countdown Begin

Today marks 50 days until sweet summertime! That means in 50 days, I will officially be a college sophomore! I know what you're thinking, "Sophomore? In college? Weren't you just a sophomore in high school yesterday?" That's what I'm saying! I remember my sophomore year in high school so vividly! There's no way I'm moving into my second year of COLLEGE. Time, please slow down. It feels like this experience just started, and now in fifty short days it'll be coming to a close.

I remember being a kid in elementary and middle school and the days would drag on and on. There was always enough daylight to play outside after getting home from school. There wasn't anything time restricted me from doing because I was a kid. I didn't worry about stuff. Then in high school, time decided to pick up the pace a little bit. I wished high school away most days I was there, and the days started seeming shorter and shorter. Then one day, I woke up and high school was over. Now in college, it's like time is on speed. There's no slowing it down. You have to make a conscious decision not to waste that time on trivial things. That's one of the big things I've learned being here: your time is what you make of it. 

As strange as it is that this year is coming to a close, I'm not going to hesitate in telling you that I'm BEYOND ready for summer. I felt stress in a way that was unreal this year, and summer is going to be a beautiful time full of relaxation and happiness. I can't wait to soak up some sun (because this pale has got to go) with my friends! I can't wait to enjoy pool days with the cute kiddos I get to keep all summer! I can't wait for late nights and pretty sunsets and fun dates and Sunset Slush and reading for fun and VBS and a whole plethera of other things. Summer is a glorious time of year - I'm sure you agree! 

Just wanted everyone to know where we stood in the whole "Countdown to Summer" thing! Sorry for my rant about time... I guess it's just something you think about when you start to get old. This is a short and sweet post, but be prepared for a longer one after this weekend aka MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! Oh the fun that is on it's way! I can hardly contain my excitement! 

Have a great evening, folks!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring Break Plus a Week

I wanted everyone to know that I'm alive and well after my month-long hiatus from blogging. I always have every intention to sit down and write some, then I get busy or forget. I apologize if you're truly interested in my life and are dying to see what's going on (I'm looking at you, Tiffy!) Things have been great lately, and I couldn't ask for more.

Last week was my first college spring break - holla! Spring semester is flying by! I was so thankful spring break came when it did because I was way in over my head with homework and papers. I just needed some time for myself to relax and spend a week with the ones I love - and that's just what I did! I couldn't tell you exactly what I did because it all just runs together. It went by too fast for me. I only remember the highlights of the week, so I'll share those with yall. 

I helped my friend, Lexi, with her yard sale for her mission trip to South Africa. She raised a lot of money, and as always, God was faithful. Be in prayer for her during this special time in her life - she leaves at the end of May. 

I got to spend an evening with the sweet Lillian Willis for her birthday. Lilly and I hadn't spent any time together since this semester started, so I was in need of some time with her. We went to Osaka's for dinner and had Fuzzy Peach for dessert. In between, we had a lot of good conversation and laughs. I'm always thankful for her and her sweet spirit. She always lifts my spirits and helps put things into perspective in my life. 

Al dropped by to have some Peach with us!

I also got to spend time with my friend, Abigail, and her sweet little cousins, Hannah and Zoe. We went to the Boundary House and rode around Sunset Beach for a while after church on Sunday. Those girls never fail to make me laugh. I love having them in my life.

I spent a lot of time with Al (that probably goes without saying). We spend a lot of time together, so I can't really remember all the specifics of what we did. It rained a lot and was mostly cold the whole time I was home, so we spent most of our time inside. Saturday was a beautiful day, so we hung out on the hammock for most of the day - it's the little things that will always be close to my heart. 

I also got to hang out with my little sister, Lauren, a lot during spring break. Be in prayer for her, as well, because she has her first solo dance competition this Saturday. I've seen the dance, and it's absolutely beautiful. My heart is always so full of joy when I watch her dance - it brings tears to my eyes. She's going to do great, I just know it. 

My friend, Casey, and I went to lunch one day at Mexican. She goes to UNCW also, but we don't get to see each other a lot because of our schedules. I'm glad we were able to get together over break. We had a lot to catch up on. I'm lucky to have a great friend like her.

I got to spend a whole bunch of quality time with my family over break. My mom, Kayla, and I went to visit my Nana on Friday. She's a silly woman, but I love her to death. On Saturday, Daddy, Mom, Kayla, and I went down to Myrtle Beach to eat and shop. I love those times with them because they're few and far between. 

Lastly, my friend Ashley and I hung out on Sunday in between church services. Ashley and I have an interesting history, and I never imagined I'd be sitting at her house, laughing for hours on Sundays. She's one of my best friends, and I'm glad I was able to see her while I was home. 

That basically sums up my spring break. It was a wonderful week, full of love, laughter, and relaxation. This week has been not as relaxing because I've had a lot of work to do. It's almost over though, and I got all the work done that was due. It's almost the weekend - hallelujah! 

I hope you enjoyed this short recap of my spring break! There's no telling when I'll post again, but I hope you guys have a safe and happy weekend! 
